A new era starts with a great guy, Ch Diplomatic’s Great Guy. “Great Dane of the year” -94,-95 and -96, “Lucas” also took a streak of winning the BIS-title four years in a row at Scandinavias biggest Great Dane-special at Visseltofta. He also sired the S-litter mentioned in previous page, amazing dogs like Ch Diplomatic’s Stuart Masterson, Ch Diplomatic’s Sir Henry Whitley and Ch Diplomatic’s Scarlett O’Hara. “Stuart” became the most successful Great Dane in the Netherlands and Champion in numerous countries.
Since 1994, Diplomatic’s has become “The Great Dane-breeder of the year”, a streak still going strong up to today 2009. “Lucas” was used a few more time in the breedingprogram, in -95 with Ch Diplomatic’s Elaine’s My Fair Lady. The T-litter kept the success going, Ch Thomas Jeffersson became the most successful. He won the World Winner-title in Helsinki, Diplomatic’s first one, a milestone in our history. In -96 the “S-litter combination was done over again giving us the Y-litter, one boy was born to make history in he future Ch Diplomatic’s Your Majesty “Palle”. Later in -96 Ch Diplomatic’s Sir Henry Whitley and Ch Diplomatic’s Fiona had the B-litter giving us a boy like “Palle” to be a big deal of our future BIS Ch Diplomatic’s Brett De Mandeville. “Eric” soon became a star and one of the best Danes we’ve eve come across, earning the “Great Dane of the year” title in -98, -00 and -01. Not to forget he also took the title “Champion Of Champions” at the glamorous Grand Hotel, Stockholm. -98 turned out to be a fantastic year in the show rings, when December was over it was clear that Diplomatic’s earned the title “Breeder of the year” all breeds included.
New blood came to us från the U.S, Ch Meadowood’s Sue-Ann Diplomatic. She turned out to be all we’d hoped for becoming “Great dane of the year” in -97, and in -98 giving us the J-litter sired by Ch Diplomatic’s Your Majesty. One girl from this litter was soon to be our next star, both at the shows and in our breeding program her name was Ch Diplomatic’s Jane Stuart. She became the bitch to take the Diplomatic’s blood line to the next level with offsprings like, Ch Diplomatic’s Will Durante, Ch Diplomatic’s Val Kilmer, Ch Diplomatic’s Victor Hugo, Ch Diplomatic’s Danny Di Baggio, Ch Diplomatic’s Debbie Dee and Ch Diplomatic’s Dizzy Miss Lizzy.
-00 was like -98 a great year on the road, once again earning the “Breeder of the year-title” all breeds included. During -00, one of the classic S-litter dogs once again came to show their class in breeding, Ch Diplomatic’s Scarlett O’Hara had a litter sired by another U.S import Meadowood’s Xcalibur Diplomatic’s. A dog to write new pages in the history book was born, Ch Diplomatic’s Thomas Eddisson, who’s success together with Jane Stuart’s offspring will be continued in the next page. After all these incredible dogs and their accomplishments we were rewarded with “The Hamilton plaque”, the true evidence of high quality breeding.

Created by: Hansson / Petersson / Ingemarsson / admin@diplomatics.net |