The last decade, a success dressed in different colours. At the start of the decade we had two great litters from the same combination, Ch Diplomatic’s your Majesty and Ch Maggie May. The first one featured dogs like, Ch Diplomatic’s Ustinov, Ch Diplomatic’s Union Jack, Ch Diplomatic’s Umberto Di Visconti, Ch Diplomatic’s Unicom and Ch Diplomatic’s Ursula Andress. The second time around, Ch Diplomatic’s Celine Dion and Diplomatic’s Clever Guy.
Ch Diplomatic’s Umberto Di Visconti “Holger” were exported to Denmark, where he’d later on has made a mark in the Danish Great Dane breeding for a long time to come. His show highlights stands for themselves: 19 times “Best of Breed”, 5 times BISS and “Great Dane Of The Year” -05 -06 -07. His brother Ch Diplomatic’s Unicom “Gustav” early became a star at the shows, and not to forget still going strong as a veteran up to this day. He has sired 3 “top of the line” litters for us.
Ch Diplomatic’s Ursula Andress became a very important lady in our breeding with two great litters later on, more of that in a bit. Ch Diplomatic’s Celine Dion “Emma” were exported to Finland where she earned following Champion tiltes, Swedish, Finnish, Estonian and International. Also later on used in our breeding program.
At the same time, Ch Diplomatic’s Thomas Eddison “Sune” were making a history of his own in the show rings. He became Sweden’s “Great Danes Of The Year” 5 time in a row -02 up to -06. World Winner in Poland -06, numerous BIS-titles, starring our Breeding Groups for many years. His success in the rings nearly made him “Show dog of the year” ending top 3 a couple of times, all breeds included.
“Sune” often had company by our black boy, Ch Diplomatic’s Howie Howard “Hjalmar”. A pitch black male with all the right lines at all the right places .He had the qualities that mostly appears in the fawn Danes. Taking some prestigious titles like Swedish and Finnish Winner. Still giving fawn Danes a hard match in the ring. Ch Diplomatic’s Facel Candida was and still is, our best harlequin so far. She took the “Nordic Winner” title in -05, and she’s still scoring great results in the rings, now at the age of 7.
The two litters mentioned on previous page made huge impacts on our breeding. Starting with the V-litter, Ch Diplomatic’s Val Kilmer were exported to Finland where he’s won pretty much everything, he became a great stud dog. Siring many Finnish champions and had a few exports to the U.S. His Brother Ch Diplomatic’s Will Durante became one of our top stud dogs still going strong with us. Progenies like Ch Diplomatic’s Nicolas Cage, Ch Diplomatic’s Neil Armstrong, Ch Diplomatic’s Umberto Tozzi and Ch Diplomatic’s Ugolina Da Siena speaks for themselves.
The D-litter from the same combination was also an instant success, both in the rings and in our breeding. They were all large ones with loads of good substance. Ch Diplomatic’s Dizzy Miss Lizzy “Loppan” finished top 5 in the yearly “Great Dane Of The Year” countdown a numerous time, and has done a great job as a mother. Ch Diplomatic’s Danny Di Baggio did a great job in our breeder class line-up at the World Dog Show in Poland 2006. He has a few BOB-titles.
That’s the best bits from our past, leading up to this day. Please follow what happens next in our future in the news page. Also browse our upcoming litters where the stars of tomorrow may rise.

by: Hansson / Petersson / dingemarsson.com |