The story behind Diplomatic’s all started back in 1984 when we had our first litter, our bitch SUCH Alana gave us both the A-litter and the B-litter. The B-litter became one of those litters that we’ll always refer to as one of our best. Dogs like Ch Diplomatic’s Baron, Ch Diplomatic’s Briljant, Ch Diplomatic’s Bel Air and the bitch to take our breeding to the next level, Ch Diplomatic’s Beauty Scandal. This litter had it all, type, size and above all …fantastic movements.
The anatomy of our Danes has always been very important in the breeding program, the construction of the dog is so important due to their size. We’ve always wanted our danes to be healthy and grow old with us and their other owners. Back to Beauty Scandal, she had a litter sired by the US import, Ch Chanel’s Xcalibur of Airways.
This litter gave us Ch Diplomatic’s Jane Stuart and her BIS & Group winning sister Ch Diplomatic’s Jane Seymore. Jane Seymore had a special way of giving all of her best to her offspring, she was used in our breeding with sires like Diplomatic’s Ch Great Guy, Ch Grand fawn’s Hagbard and Ch Danehous Douglas. To point out a few Danes to lead us into the mid -90 Ch Diplomatic’s Prince Igor, Ch Diplomatic’s Your Majesty and another of our all time high-litters starting with “S” Ch Diplomatic’s Sir Henry Whitley and Ch Diplomatic’s Scarlett O’hara.
by: Hansson / Petersson / Ingemarsson / admin@diplomatics.net |